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Matt Johnson


Matt moved to Corvallis in 2014 to join the engineering faculty at Oregon State University, where he is active in both teaching and research. Having grown up in California and Wyoming, he returned to the West after living in NYC for most of a decade. Oregon quickly converted him from road running to trail running, and you can frequently find him in the local forests, out at the coast, or savoring the great local food and beverage of the PNW. After years of attending SAGE concerts, and inspired by CEC’s many educational and outdoor programs, he joined the board in 2022 to help further the community-minded mission.


Zeth Owen

Vice President

Zeth is a native Oregonian with a true affinity for the natural world and a love for the Pacific Northwest.  He works as the Director of Community Relations for a senior housing company as well as owning a rain gear company called Lifestyle Northwest. Zeth was attracted to the Corvallis Environmental Center and decided to get involved  after seeing the positive impact that the local organization has towards making a healthier community and a more sustainable future.


Matt Samples


Matt is a native Oregonian, originally from The Dalles. After a collegiate sojourn, he returned for law school at the University of Oregon in Eugene. He enjoyed living in this part of the state but after graduating his legal career and life took him across the Country and internationally to Asia and the Middle East. However, his heart always was in Oregon. Eventually, he and his wife had an opportunity to return to the Willamette Valley and they seized the chance to set down roots. Matt can now be found at his small hobby farm tending to a fruit orchard and vegetable garden. He also enjoys hiking, bird-watching, taiko-drumming, traveling, and playing board games. Matt is very excited to help his community as a member of the Board of Directors of CEC. 


Chris Anderson


Chris joins the Board with professional experience as a Dining Services manager at Oregon State
University. There he has worked to implement several sustainably-focused initiatives and knows the
interconnected nature of food, community, and education. Father to two 509j students, Chris is eager
to help the good works of the Corvallis Environmental Center. He spends his recreational time exploring
Oregon’s waterways and mountains, disc golfing, and generally being outside. Growing up in Bend and
rural California, Chris has lived in Corvallis since coming to Oregon State University in 2001 to pursue
undergraduate degrees in History and Education.


William Simonson

Board Member

William Simonson, who goes by “Si,” originally came to Corvallis in 1974 to join the College of Pharmacy as faculty. After moving to the East Coast for some time, Si has recently returned to Oregon to teach part time at Oregon State University. Professionally, he specializes in senior care pharmacy.  These days, he also spends much of his time and energy on the newly established “Oak Creek Conservancy,” which is just north of Bald Hill in Corvallis where he lives and is also working to restore an oak woodland.  

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